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Welcome to KandK Theme Songs! Here at KandK we love to bring to you theme songs from all around the web forDuring your stay at KandK you will never be asked to enter your credit card number or to pay anything. We collect theme songs from all around the web. You may even find a few classics for all those who have been around since TV was a new and marvelleous invention! So enjoy!

To locate the theme songs you'll have to go to the Catagory page and chose one of our many catagories. We have devided this page into sections so you can find what your looking for easier.

Having problems? Go to the KandK Theme Songs FAQ to get answers! If you want to know about the creators of KandK why no read About Us Think your page deserves to be linked to from KandK? Visit the Links page to find out how. Questions? Comments? Problems? Contact us and ask, tell, or state them to us!

What's New?

Everything! We have totally redone KandK Theme Songs! Some things we improved are:
Easier Maneuvability

Still To Come

We are thinking of opening a new section for MIDI Theme Songs. We would like to know what you think. E-Mail us with your opinion!